I’ve always been a creature of colour if i’m honest. I remember briefly entering a monochrome phase which lasted all of a month; I just couldn’t cope with how depressed it made me feel! Colour for me is life and subconsciously I match my wardrobe, nails and lipstick to match the season {in Instagram language I think we call this #stylingtheseasons} But, more that that I think it reflects me as a person. I am, on the most part somebody that has a lust for life. Even on those dull, metaphorically speaking days, colour brings me joy, happiness and a zest to be the best version of myself.
So, this is my Spring colour edit, the must have pieces that I’m enjoying. I’ll pre-warn you, it does contain a healthy serving of the happiest of Boden colours, especially my new favourite {Happy} yellow.
and these gorgeous statement pieces…..
I think you’ll agree, they certainly bring the ‘cheer’ into this seasons trends….another Boden triumph I’d say!
keep shining,
Emily x
*This post contains gifted items.