I’ve alway envied those with beautiful skin, I suppose if there is one thing I could change about myself it would be to have ‘simple skin’; skin that is just ‘normal’. Now as a 30, ahem, plus year old, my skin is definitely my priority. My skin is of the oily type, the type that produces way too much oil than is necessary, but also, as the seasons change, drys out rapidly.
As teenager, with so little knowledge, I went for the ‘ less is more’ approach on moisturiser, well skin care in general really, believing that the more moisture I apply the more out of control the oiliness would become. I remember sometimes going as much as three days without applying cream, in the hope to just counteract the oiliness. My skin at this time would dip from crazy oiliness to extreme dryness. A complete nightmare to live with.
In basic terms, the science behind the oil is an excess supply of sebum on the face. Most people with oily skin will notice the ‘T Zone’ to be the most troublesome, this is because the sebaceous glands are located in this area. The summer will always be the worst time for me as our bodies generally are warmer which intensifies the problem.
Over the years I have tried A LOT of products, and have had some really bad advice. I remember one beauty professional telling me to exfoliate everyday to balance my skin. I have since learnt this is a BIG no, no. As tempting as it is the remove the layer of skin that is causing the issue! This really does not work, if anything it definitely intensifies the problem.
I now know that, working in harmony with my skin by cleansing twice daily, NEVER over cleaning and exfoliating, using a good, non-striping toner that is soft and gentle and MOISTURISING, never be afraid to add moisture. But, one of the biggest lessons I’ve learnt is, ‘oil on oil’ works! The thought of using an oil years ago would have horrified me, surely this will feed the problem? I was wrong. Using an oil has been my saviour.
In a generation of being so conscious of what we feed our bodies, isn’t it just as important to feed our faces?
This is why the Elemis Superfood Facial Oil has taken pride of place on my dressing table. Jam packed with highly concentrated plant-based superfoods, antioxidants and omega, I’ve found this ‘wonder’ oil to be extremely lightweight and such a delight to add to my skin. It provides me with the right level of hydration and I wake up with my skin feeling nourished and refreshed.
I use the oil as part of my night-time routine, applying 2/3 drops with my finger tips gently after cleansing and toning, dabbing it all over the face and neck, avoiding my eye area. It smells AMAZING, and feels such an indulgence, I couldn’t imagine bedtimes without it. I then finish off with my moisturiser. I love the thought of giving my skin a good serving of omega rich broccoli, flax-seed and daikon radish, things that we would put into a juice or smoothie for the inside. I wake up with my skin feeling plumper and glowing. I do exfoliate and do a mask twice a week for a pamper.
As much as its been incredible for me, and really has helped ‘balance’ my skin, I do still at times get excess oil, but its manageable. Thank goodness I have found a product that I can ‘feed’ my skin with that actually WORKS.
I’m not a beauty specialist, nor is this an ad, this certainly isn’t professional advice and one system doesn’t work for all, but for me; it’s a WINNER!
Thanks again Elemis!
Emily x